How to Contact a Live Person in Rome2Rio  Customer Service

Rome2Rio does not provide phone customer service. For assistance, you can contact a Live Person in Rome2Rio Customer Service through their web form. To reach Rome2Rio, please visit the Rome2Rio Requests page, choose the question that interests you, complete the form, and press the “Submit” button. Typically, you will receive a response on the same day.

Rome2Rio Customer Service Hours

Live customer service representatives at Rome2Rio are accessible 24/7.

Rome2rio Contact Number Support

Phone customer service is not available for Rome2Rio.

Customer Service for Rome2Rio on Social Networks

Rome2Rio Mailing Addresses

Rome2Rio Pty. Ltd.
29 Stewart St
Richmond VIC 3121

Rome2Rio B.V.
Singel 542
1017AZ Amsterdam

Rome2Rio Live Chat Support

Live chat support is not available on Rome2Rio.

Rome2Rio Support Email

Rome2Rio Help Center

Access more information about Rome2Rio on the Rome2Rio Customer Support page.

Rome2Rio Mobile App

The Rome2Rio mobile app is designed to make travel planning easy and efficient by providing detailed information on various modes of transportation. Here are some key features and aspects of the Rome2Rio app:

  1. Comprehensive Travel Search:
    • The app allows users to search for various travel routes and compare different modes of transportation, including flights, trains, buses, ferries, and driving options.
    • It provides detailed itineraries from point A to point B, incorporating multiple forms of transport.
  2. Cost Comparison:
    • Users can compare costs across different modes of transportation to find the most affordable options.
    • The app shows estimated travel times and costs, helping users make informed decisions.
  3. Booking Options:
    • Rome2Rio connects users to booking services for flights, trains, buses, and hotels, allowing for easy and convenient reservations.
    • Users can book tickets directly through the app with partner providers.
  4. Interactive Maps:
    • The app features interactive maps to help users visualize their travel routes and destinations.
    • Users can explore different routes and see geographical details.
  5. Local Transport Information:
    • The app provides information on local transportation options, including public transit schedules and routes.
    • Users can find connections to and from airports, train stations, and bus terminals.
  6. User-Friendly Interface:
    • The app is designed with an intuitive interface, making it easy to navigate and use.
    • Users can save their favorite routes and access them quickly for future reference.


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